1. Access DCA - Go to buy and paste a contract address, and then select 'DCA' (see the red box above). Upon clicking 'DCA,' you will be on the DCA screen.

  2. Select Wallet - Choose between w1, w2, and/or w3, depending on whether you want to use multiple wallets to DCA or a different wallet than the one that is toggled.

  3. Buy Amount - Choose the total amount of ETH you wish to DCA with. You can choose between the preset amounts, or you can set a custom amount by clicking the '✏️ X ETH' button and type the amount in the Telegram chat bar.

  4. Customizable Gas - Choose between auto or custom gas, depending on your trading needs.

  5. Customizable Slippage - Choose between auto or custom slippage, depending on your trading needs.

  6. Interval - Set the length of time you want to DCA. You can DCA based on any number of minutes, hours, or days.

  7. Number of Intervals - Set the number of times you want to DCA based on the interval you set (i.e., If the interval is 5 days, and the number of intervals is 3, your DCA order will execute one time every 5 days 3 times).

  8. CREATE DCA - Click this button to submit your DCA order.

  • In the example above, the DCA order is for a total of 0.1 ETH. The DCA order will be fulfilled completely after 15 days.

    • The order will trigger 5 days from the time the order was opened, so after 5 days at 12:54 PM (see the red box above) a DCA order will execute for ~0.0333 ETH, and will trigger again 5 days thereafter for another ~0.0333 ETH, and once more 5 days later for another ~0.0333 ETH.

  • Open Orders - After you click 'Create DCA,' you will be given a summary of your DCA order. Clicking 'Open Orders' (see the red box above) will show your existing DCA orders.

  • Close - If you have, for example, three DCA orders open, but you only want to close one, click the '[close]' button (see the green box above) to close a specific DCA order.

  • Remove All - If you want to close all existing DCA orders, simply click 'Remove All' (see the white box above).

Last updated