🪞Copy Trade

Copy Trade is available through both the Telegram Bot and Unibot X


Why didn't my Copy Trade trigger?

Copy Trade currently only supports copying Uniswap router functions (V2, V3, multicall, execute, etc). Swaps made through custom functions or other routers such as 1inch are not supported for copy trading. We will improve Copy Trade over time.

Does Copy Trade also include copy sells?

Yes, Copy Trade includes copies sells.


  • Buy Amount - The maximum amount of ETH you will use for a single copy trade. Your targeted trader's ETH amount is copied up until it exceeds your Buy Amount.

  • [+] Copy Trade Address - Click 'Copy Trade Address,' then enter an ETH address. After adding, your enabled wallets will be waiting for trades to copy.

  • Remove Addresses - To remove an address, click the red X (❌) next to the address you are copying.

  • Add Addresses - Enter the address of traders you wish to copy in the chat bar and click send/enter.

  • Your Mirror List - Addresses you have added for Copy Trade are presented in a list.

  • Select Wallet - Click on the wallet(s) you wish to copy trade with by clicking either w1, w2, or w3. The green circle (🟢) means the wallet is toggled to on and will begin copy trading. To turn off copy trading for a wallet, click the green circle (🟢), and it will turn to a red circle (🔴), which means off.

  • Copy Sell - Users have the option to choose between 'Percentage,' which means when the wallet sells a % of their tokens, your wallet will sell the same %. 'Emergency' is when the copy wallet sells their entire position; thus, your wallet will sell the entire position, too.

  • Sell - If you want to sell manually, click 'Sell,' the button directly next to 'Menu'.

  • Main Menu - Return to the main menu.

Last updated